The Yip Kin Wing Choon System (练习方式)


中国民间与清朝政府之间的日渐严重,清政府对南少林的门徒大事追剿,导致许多 杰出少林僧俗弟子逃至广东岭南⼀一带,而当中除了包括方世玉,胡惠乾,洪熙管等 人外,更包括了至善禅师及五枚师太。五枚师太虽然系出少林,但她作为⼀一位女 性,少林刚猛讲求气力的拳术对她而言还是缺乏对称,因此五枚师太也就根据自已 作为⼀一位女性的先天条件,推敲出⼀一套拳术,这也就是咏春拳的前身。就在五枚师 太在广东授徒的时候,收得卖豆腐的徒弟严四。严四也有⼀一个天资聪颖的女儿严咏 春。严咏春对五枚师太的拳术再加参悟改良,使得该拳术更脱离传统少林武术的刚 劲,而以灵巧简朴实用见称,后来更因为严咏春多次以此拳术击败土豪恶霸,而让 此拳术享誉武林,人民为了纪念严咏春此独到的武术技艺,即诤將此拳术成为 "咏 春拳"。从此,咏春拳不但威名远播,更成为了中国武术文化其中,南方拳术的重 要瑰宝。尽管咏春拳似乎是针对女性的体魄而创,但咏春拳事实也是近身短打的实 用武术,对武术认识不深的朋友而言,咏春拳没有长拳的跳跃动作,咏春拳也没有 比赛套路南拳的刚猛,但咏春拳有着难以抡比的实用性。从功桇上看,咏春拳的最 大特征是二字钳羊马,而基本套足路则由小花(或称"小念头")开始,然后循序 渐进。自祖师严咏春创传之後,因咏春挙而名出天不的不乏其人。除了早期的佛山 赞先生梁赞,陈华顺(找钱华)等己𢦓为电视剧里的历史人物外,鼎鼎大名的国际 明星李小龙不但是咏拳的蒙弟子。我们更可以从他所创立的(截拳道)中,看见.

小花拳 (小念头)

小花拳或称小念头,是咏春拳的入門基本拳。咏春拳属于内家拳,在这套路中,我们可以看见咏春拳独特的二字钳羊马。及咏春拳术的武术哲学。观众可能会觉得咏春拳没有太大的移动及动作,这恰好正是咏春拳的理论所 在,要求直接,有效,简单,亦柔亦刚,有体力,但更借力,有短打的寸劲,也有柔劲,拳不过眼,脚不过腰也是咏春拳的另⼀一要求,这表面原因是创拳者是女性,脚踢得太高,总是不雅,但其中的文章却是,拳不过眼,是掌握局势,脚不过腰,是直接主动。动作永远不追求花巧,以最短的距离,发挥决定 性的效果,正是咏春拳之要义所在。 

叶福财师傅乃叶坚先师嫡孙,嫡传祖业,对推广咏春武术不遗余力,至今教 拳40年。叶坚咏春拳套路手法和中国,香港,广州,佛山其他国宗咏春拳套路 手法有些不同。练咏春拳亦是⼀一种哲学、美德和武德;尊師重道;礼、义、仁、勇的精神以及人品修养的观念善禅。要练咏春拳,先要练基本腰馬步、腳法动作,成为武术 的根基。接着,锻炼体魄动作。动作灵活,手脚敏捷,把刚猛动作代为柔和借力打力。擒拿手法,到腳法巧劲取代,成为⼀一套刚柔並济的拳术,以黐手的柔 劲发出內劲的寸劲。

至于马来西亚,叶坚先师则是咏春拳主要的人物。叶坚先师在民国初年在中国 番禺向行医济世的苏续
明老师傅学习武艺,苏续明师傅是当年番禺⼀一伐名师, 在其悉心教导下,叶坚先师尽得所传。后来因 为国家动荡而 遵循紅船到马来半岛谋生; 先在矿场任职,後因多次抱打不平,连番打退纠众恶霸,续声誉渐隆。许多在 矿场谋生的华人客工都敬崇叶坚先师的武艺而向其拜师学艺。叶坚先师不辛 在1968年 1月2日逝世,辛遗传下⼀一代。

叶福财師傅不但是吉隆坡叶坚咏春武术会总教练及联胜国术团的义务教练。叶 福财師傅的咏春拳拳武术班分成4 级10段,由开始扎马至高级3段共学习24个套 路,当中包括基本拳脚套路5套,兵器及对拆套路19套。学员需经考试以证资 格,并考取证书。

- ( 叶福财师傅)

Translation below.

Picture of Grandmaster Yip Fook Choy (叶福财师傅)

Article written by GM Yip Fook Choy and translated by Ben Tang CH.

During the ruling of Qing Dynasty in China there were frequent resistance of rebellion from the remnants of Ming Dynasty court and some took refuge in the Shaolin monastery. This has led to Southern Shaolin labelled as a place to harbour rebels of the Qing Dynasty.Therefore, there was constant prosecution of the Shaolin disciples, amongst them were the famous kungfu masters Fang Shi Yu, Hu Hui Qian and Hong Xi Guan. 

Another famous rebel nun by the name of Wu Mei who studied Buddhism at the Shaolin monastery realised that the hard style used by Shaolin pugilist were not suited for people who have a small body frame or weaker i.e. women. This type of kungfu will only limit the number of rebels to be recruited since women were also interested to join the cause of rebellion.

Wu Mei proceeded to invent a softer and more tactical approach, Wu Mei was in Guang Dong toto recruit rebels to fight the Qing Dynasty and she recruited a To Fu seller by the name of Yan Shi who happens to have an intelligent & martial art gifted daughter called Yan Yong Chun.

Yan Yong Chun further altered and evolved the original system created by Wu Mei and hence today, the wide spread of Yong Chun ( Wing Chun ) in the Chinese martial arts. Yan Yong Chun was made famous because she managed to beat the odds to defeat much bigger opponents who were regarded by the townsfolk to be bullies and criminal. In order to preserve the memorial of Yong Chun overcoming the odds to defeat evil forces, historian have named this new softer martial art system Yong Chun after her name. This new system not only fits people who are phsycially smaller but has introduced a close quarter combat system that has become the pivotal point of the effectiveness of this martial art to win fights.

Yong Chun does not possess the high kicks and jump of the Northern style or the hard hitting quick punches of the Southern style. The uniqueness of the system is practical and easy to learn for anyone new to martial arts. The famous fighting stance of "goat stance" became the highlight of the uniqueness of this system. The basic form is called small flower or also known as Xiao Nian Tou ; literally translated as "small idea".

However this system was not widely spread as it was regarded as a secretive art learned by rebel forces. Only later when the prosecution has lax, the emergence of famous Yong Chun masters like Liang Zhan, Chen Hua Shun is constantly depicted in movie nowadays. Even Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do was based on Yong Chun. The theory behind the effectiveness of Yong Chun is based on the directness of each hit and economy of movement. Each punch will not exceed the brow and each kick never above the waist.

The moves are simple to execute but requires the basic understanding of dynamic forces hence most efficient practitioner are able to perform the "energy borrowing", soft and hard approach.

Movement are never fanciful and each strike are made within the shortest distance and with full willpower of attack. Upon blocks by opponents' hand, higher level practitioners are able to exert the soft and hard approach as well as releasing the inner energy of cun jin ( inch energy) 

Grandmaster Yip Kin 叶坚 ( Mandarin : Ye Jian ) was one of the earliest well known martial art master in Malaysia in the 19th century for his actions in the Tin Mining area. He has defeated numerous tyrant opponent who preys on the weak. He migrated from China during the political turbulence to Malaysia ( then called Malaya and under the British empire). His first teacher was a famous Chinese Physician in Pan Yu (番禺) and subsequently travelled to Malaya in the Redboat which houses the famous Shaolin rebels disguised as opera troupe. Grandmaster Yip Kin passed away on 2nd January 1968 leaving a legacy behind.

Grandmaster Yip Fook Choy, the grandson of Yip Kin is currently the master instructor of this system and has been teaching for the last 40 years. GM Yip Fook Choy comments that this system is not just a fighting art but a philosophy of the believe in martial ethics with emphasis placed on loyalty and benevolence. The basics should be mastered if one were to excel in this system. The stance and footwork are the basis of success. Lively movement and ability to master the hard and soft approach as well as utilising energy of the opponent will be the ultimate aim of each practitioner.

According to GM Yip Fook Choy there are 4 Degree in this YKWC system with 10 levels and all consisting of total 24 forms. 5 are hand forms and 19 are weapon forms. Credentials are awarded upon completing examination by the Chief Instructor.