Martial Ethics (武德 )

叶坚詠春的武德是礼义廉耻, 尊师重道.

The First & Foremost Important Attitude And Behaviour Of Being A Good Wushu Practitioner Or Martial Artist is to have Martial Ethics.I would like to urge all students of Yip Kin Wing Choon to practice the following:-

礼义廉耻, 尊师重道

Martial Artists’ Customs &  Ethics
 For The Path Of Righteousness, Honesty And Sense Of Humility

1.    =礼貌 双手抱拳,鞠躬敬礼

Manners= courtesy, greet each other with covered fist to
show respect

2.    =正义 ,义气, 勇气
Behaviour= ighteousness,loyalty , bravery

3.    =忠诚,诚心,诚恳,诚意
Behaviour= honesty, sincerity, good faith

4.    =忠心,忠懇,忠义
Loyalty, earnestly, righteousness

5.   =信义,信用,信心
Faith,dependable, confidence

Tolerance, Patience & Tenacity

1.    =,勇敢,勇气
Valiant- courageous, brave, have "backbone"

2.   =容忍,忍让,忍耐
Tolerance- tolerate, ignore it, endurance

3.   =恒心,永恆
Perseverance- persevere, persistent

4.   =毅力,毅志
Resolution- resolute, tenacity

5.   = 志气,自信,志向
Aspiration- Drive, ambition, ideals

Please bear this in mind and your heart when practising YKWC.